Zinab, a girl perspective changed forever.
Zinab was the second oldest in class. She also lives in the slums in the Haram Giza area and her family is very poor. Zinab at some point borrowed money from another classmate and couldn’t pay it back due her life situation, this resulted in some heated and hurt feelings between Zinab and her classmates due to this negativity.
One of the activities during the classes where each girl has a mail box envelop where the rest of the girls write positive enforcing notes about reach others. no negativity allowed in class. However, due to the bad, and heated feelings between Zanib and the other classmate, an exchange of hate messages was dropped in their mail envelope. We explained to the class how these words hurt and leave us with such a bad feelings and we encouraged them to continue to see what is good in each other. Weeks after weeks goes by and finally Zinab wrote ” I love you” and dropped in the other girl envelope. The reaction of the other classmate was very positive and wrote back the same message to Zinab. That was a good start for both girls to get along and get back to their friendship. The rest of the class also wrote the same message to both of them with even encouraged them more.
It was really motivating to see the girls learning about the difference between positivism and negativism and its effect on their lives and relationships.
At the end, Zinab started seeing other girls the same way and started leaving them good messages which created a healthy class environment.